Make No Small Plans

Make No Small Plans - Burnham

Monday, June 11, 2018

Update on sign

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Overman, Gary (US) <>
Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2018, 3:14 PM
Subject: Update on sign
To: '' ( <>

Prince Properties Neighbors,


We would like to thank the following for participating in the sign improvement project that is now in progress:


Jeff and Debbie Kirkpatrick & Family – For their 30 years of unselfish labor and monies mowing, weeding,  planting, painting, etc. the entrance way.

Bill Crowson & Family - for their organizing of this project.

Evan Dawson & family – for time and resources designing the new sign and all the versions Evan did leading up to selection.

Jeff Johnson & Family – for time meeting and brainstorming ideas.

My wife, Tammy Overman for not complaining when I bite off more than I can chew.

All those who voted and gave us feedback to proceed with a design.

Anyone else I failed to mention ( Please remind me to include you! )


We would like to thank the following families for their financial donations to the build fund:


Bill and Brenda Crowson

Jeremey & Candace Jones and Family

Troy and Wendy Haywood and Family

Michael and Tina Bonner and Family

Jeffrey and Angela Johnson and Family

Morgan Rhees and Family

Gary & Tammy Overman


To date $335 has been donated. With excess materials I had in my possession we've only spent $30 for stains and paints.

We've still got to buy large lumber, hardware and landscaping, so please don't think your donations will go to waste.

Overall I think we are in pretty good shape.

We'll still need some strong backs and arms come time to install.


I've got the individual patterns printed to life size , cut, and I'm beginning to cut the raised wooden letters.

Photo's will be posted here as I proceed.


Gary Overman

Jack-of-all-trades , Master-of-none





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